Birmingham Alabama, Gift, Uncategorized

Calvin Smiles

Today, as I spoke to my friend Jeannie, the organizer of our Homeless Ministry here in Birmingham,  she began to tell me about Calvin;  a little boy from a family we get to minister to every month at the Fire House Shelter downtown. [we meet and hand out basic necessities and food to upwards and of 100 men and women].

This month, because of Christmas, we rallied our friends, families, neighbors and even some strangers together to make sure Calvin and his family had a great Christmas!

But to today, Calvin taught me something. Today, Calvin was cold. Jeannie handed him a brand new jacket and gloves that had been donated for him and she said his little face lit up. She then gave him a backpack that was full of toys and books that had also been so graciously donated just for him. She said Calvin opened the backpack, looked inside and asked, ” What can I have?”  Jeannie then explained to him that it all belonged to him. A Christmas gift all of his own!  Jeannie explained his excitement to me because I couldn’t be there and she  sent me a picture. Of Calvin. Smiling. Since his family started coming to the monthly outreach I have yet to see this precious guy smile. But today, he smiled; a most beautiful smile I may never forget.

As I thought about Calvin and his lack of understanding that the entire backpack and the contents belonged to him, his gift; I began to think of the gift of Jesus.

Jesus came- as a gift to the world. And inside this gift of Jesus we have health, wealth, wholeness, forgiveness, prosperity, love, mercy, grace, provision, and anything we need!!! We so easily accept the gift of Jesus and are elated to have Him live in us; but we fail to realize He’s given us all things wrapped up in Himself!! It’s impossible to receive Jesus without receiving all the other gifts that are wrapped up inside of Him. However, it’s possible not to access them if we don’t realize they belong to us!!

The analogy of someone secretly depositing a million dollars into your bank account but can’t be used until you have the knowledge of it being there has been used a million times, but it seems relevant here.

Jesus has already given us all things that pertain to life and godliness inside himself; and it was his good pleasure to do so!!

My husband once preached about how we have a “benefit package” in life with Jesus.  Life with Jesus is;  Jesus and healing. Jesus and forgiveness. Jesus and restoration. Jesus and provision! Jesus and….. Insert what you need here. It’s yours with Jesus already!! You just have to unwrap the gift of Jesus! You don’t have to choose just a healing today and save provision for another day, because you have Jesus! You have it all!!

Jesus is your all inclusive gift!!!

If the homeless is something that tugs at your heart and you’d like to get involved, please like my Facebook page: Hope For the Homeless  or click this link to donate via gofundme:

Birmingham Alabama, ministry, Worship, worship leader

Derek Crosby; Worship Leader

Derek Crosby. My love. God brought this man into my life and I have never been the same! He makes me laugh, wipes my tears and always sees the best in me! He works hard to provide for his family. He is the most loving husband and father and displays the love and grace of Jesus in every area of his life.

While this may not be a usual blog, I’m using it anyway.

Derek has been leading Worship since he was 16.  He has a heart for God and a passion for leading people into His presence.  It is Derek’s desire to record a worship album that will minister grace and love to the hurting and reach a broken world through the talent God has blessed Him with.

In 2013 God called us to leave our hometown and the church where he was Associate Pastor and had lead worship for for 12 years and move to Birmingham, AL. While it broke our hearts, we followed the voiceof God. Obedience is far better than sacrifice! We love Birmingham and have thanked God daily for bringing us here! Below you will find a few links. One is for his GO FUND ME where you can help him record his album. The others are a couple of songs he recorded a couple of years ago.  We thank you in advance for your giving.
You can click a link below to hear Derek
